Friday 4 March 2011


Before my children were born one of my favorite pass-times was picking up my backpack, getting on a plane and seeing the world. When I was pregnant with my twin boys I dreamt of traveling the globe together and showing them all the wonders of the world.

Unfortunately both boys were diagnosed with severe dairy allergy. The slightest touch of milk causes an immediate outbreak of hives. If the boys consume even a small amount of dairy they will have a severe reaction. Just the mere thought of getting on a plane with them terrified me. Instead of seeing the world we stayed at home, didn’t visit friends and never went to children’s parties. But we kept on dreaming of distant shores and exotic cultures.

Then one day we just did it! We went on holiday. OK, it was only to Italy but it was a start. Since that time we have traveled at least 2x per year, have lived on 3 continents and finally live the life we love again.

In this weblog I would like to share our travel experiences with you and hope you will share yours too. It doesn’t matter what you (or your child) are allergic to. If you know a great hotel where they cater for people with a gluten allergy, a little shop in the middle of no-where where you can find soy products or a restaurant where the chef is super helpful when it comes to cooking for someone with a nut allergy, let us know. Share your experience and help create a knowledge database for those of us who have a passion for travel and who have an allergy.

Happy Travels!


  1. What a novel and needed niche for a blog. Definitely unique! It is sure to find a healthy (yes, pun intended) following.
    In addition to allergies, there are of course those of us with aversions, prescriptions, health issues, vegans and vegetarians, and just plain picky eaters who will keep an eye on your advice!

  2. Hi there! Just read your post on going to zeeuws-vlaanderen. I'm in the process of starting a gluten-free holiday home there. I wanted to get in touch with your mom but it seems the link to her vvv listing's gone. Is she still there? Would love to hear from you, Sarah.
